Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is condition in which the women suffering from emotional , physical,and psychological disturbances that occur after ovulation and it will disappear with pregnancy and menopause. CAUSE OF PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME The cause of premenstrual syndrome is not known but some researcher believe that may be the premenstrual syndrome is due to fluctuations ofContinue reading “PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME( MENSTRUAL PROBLEM)”


There are three phases in menstrual cycle. 1- proliferative phase. 2-Secretory phase. 3-menstrual phase PROLIFERATIVE PHASE This is also called follicular phase. It’s start from day’s 6 to 14 days after menstruation period. In this phase pituitary gland release follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which is responsible for maturation of follicles. FSH stimulate the ovary toContinue reading “PROLIFERATIVE PHASE, SECRETORY PHASE, MENSTRUAL PHASE.”


It is cone shaped prominence present in the centre of the breast.areola is present around the nipple. It is present in fourth intercoastal space. The nipple contain smooth muscle fibres and nerve supply. 15 to 20 lactiferous ducts opens at the nipple through which the baby suck the breast milk. When the newburn baby suckingContinue reading “NIPPLE”


The perineum is diamond is surrounded by anteriorly pubic symphysis, posteriorly by tips of coccyx and laterally by ischial tuberosity. Between the two ischial tuberosity there is a horizontal line which devide the perineum into two triangle part . The upper triangle part is called urogenital triangle.( In which the urethral opening and vaginalContinue reading “ANAL TRIANGLE”


The female perineum is diamond is bounded anteriorly by pubic symphysis , posteriorly by tips of coccyx and anteriorly both sides bounded by pubic arch.ischial tuberosity situated both lateral side of the perineum.sacrotuberous ligaments situated lateraly both sides of perineum posteriorly.two ischial tuberosity devide by horizontal line and form into two triangle.anterior portion isContinue reading “PERINEUM”


Perineum is the area starting from buttom of the vulva to the is diamond shape.and it is situated in between the symphysis pubis and the coccyx.this area forms the floor of the pelvis.and in this area contain external sex organs and anal opening.

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