Pelvic floor situated below the brim of the pelvis or in the lesser pelvis. Two gaps situated in the pelvic floor. 1- UROGENITAL HIATUS Urogenital hiatus is the gap present in anterior of the pelvic floor through which urethra and vagina pass in female. 2- RECTAL HIATUS It is the gap situated centrally of theContinue reading “UROGENITAL HIATUS &RECTAL HIATUS”


The fetal skull having two types of diameter. 1-Anterior posterior diameter. 2- Transverse diameter ANTERIOR POSTERIOR DIAMETER OF THE FETAL SKULL. There are six anterior posterior diameter present in the fetal skull. 1-Suboccipitobregmatic(9.5cm) 2-Suboccipitofrontal(10cm) 3-occipitofrontal(11.5cm) 4-Mentovertical(13.5cm) 5-Submentovertical (11.5cm) 6-Submentobregmatic(9.5cm) 1-SUBOCCIPITO BREGMATIC It is the diameter starting from below the occipital protuberance to the midst ofContinue reading “ANTERO-POSTERIOR DIAMETER OF FETAL SKULL AND TRANSVERSE DIAMETER OF FETAL SKULL”


Suboccipitofrontal diameter starts from below the occipital protuberance (below the elevated area of occipital bone)to the middle of the frontal suture. its diameter is 10 cm.it is the engagement diameter of fetus in occipital anterior position.it is the anterior-posterior diameter of the fetal skull. Occipital anterior position means the back of the head or occipitalContinue reading “SUBOCCIPITOFRONTAl DIAMETER(DIAMETER OF FETAL SKULL”


The fetal skull made from parital bones, occipital bone, frontal bones, temporal bones and these bones are connected with each other with sutures such as coronal suture, frontal suture, sagittal suture and lambdoid suture. FONTANELLS When two or more suture connects at one point of the fetal skull is called fontanelles. There are six fontanellesContinue reading “FONTANELLES(ANTERIOR FONTANELLE, POSTERIOR FONTANELLE, SPHENOIDAL FONTANELLES, MASTOID FONTANELLES)”


Foetal skull contain, parietal. bone,frontal bone, occipital bone and temporal bone and these bone are connected each other by sutures and these sutures permit mobility between these cranial bones. FOLLOWING ARE THE SUTURES OF FETAL SKULL 1-FRONTAL SUTURES Frontal bone situated in front of the foetal skull and the two frontal bone connected by aContinue reading “SUTURES OF FOETAL SKULL”


The skull divided into three-part. 1-Vault 2- Face 3-Base There are 14 bones present on the face. 1-Nasal bone(2 bones) 2-Lacrimal bone(2 bones) 3-Inferior nasal concha. (2 bones) 4-Maxilla(2 bones) Mandible(1 bone) Vomer(one bone) Zygomatic(2bones) Palatine(2 bones) NASAL BONE OF FACE(2bones) It is two small bone which forms the bridge of the nose situated onContinue reading “FACE BONES”

COMMON MENSTRUAL PROBLEM(dysmenorrhea , premenstrual syndrome, menorrhagia , amenorrhea

1-PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME(common menstrual problem) Common menstrual problem are , premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia , amenorrhea, Premenstrual syndrome is a condition in which the woman suffers from emotional, physical and psychological disturbance occur after ovulation(ovulation means release secondary oocyte from graafian follicle for fertilization with sperm.if women having regular menstrual cycle means 28 days.then her ovulationContinue reading “COMMON MENSTRUAL PROBLEM(dysmenorrhea , premenstrual syndrome, menorrhagia , amenorrhea”

AMENORRHEA(absence of menstruation)

Amenorrhea means absence of menstruation.there are two type of amenorrhea.primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. PRIMARY AMENORRHEA The first period of female in her life is called menarche.and the normal age of menarche is 8 to 16 of the female.and if due to any cause the menarche will be late and the female will not getContinue reading “AMENORRHEA(absence of menstruation)”

AMENORRHEA(absence of menstruation)

Amenorrhea means absence of menstruation.there are two type of amenorrhea.primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. PRIMARY AMENORRHEA The first period of female in her life is called menarche.and the normal age of menarche is 8 to 16 of the female.and if due to any cause the menarche will be late and the female will not getContinue reading “AMENORRHEA(absence of menstruation)”


Many women suffering from Dysmenorrhea .it is a painful period .it is not normal. if a person suffering from dysmenorrhea or pain during her menstrual period. And she will not be able to do routine work such as going to college and school then she should instantly consult with a gynaecologist. There are two typesContinue reading “DYSMENORRHEA(MENSTRUAL PROBLEM)PAINFUL PERIOD.”

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