
The process of formation of mature female gamete or ovum is called oogenesis. Spermatogenesis(process of formation of male gametes) begins at puberty in male. But oogenesis is initiated in female fetus in the embryonic development stage. million of gamete mother cell which is called oogonia are formed within each fetal ovary. After the birth ofContinue reading “Oogenesis”


CHANGES IN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM, 1- UTERUS There is many changes occur during pregnancy in the uterus such as in non-pregnant uterus weight is 50 grams and it increases in1000 gram till the term of labour. The capacity of uterus increase to accommodate the fetus, placenta, the umbilical cord, and the amniotic fluid. the normal valueContinue reading “PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY”


UTERUS There is many changes occur in uterus during pregnancy such as in non pregnant uterus weight is 50 gms and during pregnancy it increases to 1000 gms. The valume of uterine cavity increases to around 5 liters. The muscle fibers of uterus undergoes to hyperplasia and hypertrophy and there is stretching of muscle fibres.Continue reading “PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY IN UTERUS”

Goodell’s sign(changes in cervix during pregnancy)

There is physiological changes in reproductive organ of female such as changes in uterus, vagina, ovaries , fallopian tube, breast, cardiovascular system, Respiratory tract, gastrointestinal system, Endocrine system, skeletal changes, skin changes, metabolic changes, and psychological changes occur during pregnancy. GOODELL’S SIGN During pregnancy cervix becomes soft , oedematus and vascular and undergoes a markedContinue reading “Goodell’s sign(changes in cervix during pregnancy)”


The lie is longitudinal( longitudinal means relating the length of the fetus) The presentation is cephalic(cephalic means associating to the head of the fetus) The fetal position left or right occiput anterior position The attitude is good flexion(attitude means the position of the part of the baby, normally the fetal head is tucked down andContinue reading “MECHANISM OF NORMAL LABOUR”

STAGES OF LABOUR (First stage, second stage, third stage, Fourth stage,

Episodes of labour are divided into three stages. First stage Second stage Third stage FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR It is start from onset of true labour pain( regular contraction) to full dilatation of cervix( when the cervix dilate 10( cm) It is average duration 12 hour in primigravida and 6 hours in multigravida If theContinue reading “STAGES OF LABOUR (First stage, second stage, third stage, Fourth stage,”


TRUE LABOUR PAIN Uterine contractions comes at regular intervals. Contractions increase gradually. Increase interval and power of labour. “Show” present in labour.(“show” means profuse cervical secretion in labour. Duration between pains gradually becomes short. Presence of bulging fore water. The pain felt by the mother in true labour in abdomen, back, and groin. Cervical dilationContinue reading “TRUE LABOUR PAIN AND FALSE LABOUR PAIN”


Normal labour is also called eutocia. Labour is called normal when it fulfils the following criteria. Labour should be spontaneous. Onset of labour should be at term., preterm labour and post term labour is abnormal. Labour with vertex presentation in left oxypito anterior position and right occipito anterior position is normal. Labour with occipito posteriorContinue reading “NORMAL LABOUR(EUTOCIA)”


Preterm means before term, normally the fetus deliver at term means between 39 to 40 weeks of gestation. If the fetus deliver after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks then it is called preterm labour or premature labor. Due to deliver early the baby having chance of poor development in physically and mentally. CAUSE OFContinue reading “PRETERM LABOR OR PREMATURE LABOR”


Definition of labour: Series of events that take place in the genital organs in an effort to expel the viable products of conception out of the womb through the vagina into the outer world is called labour. Means a number of events such as engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation of head, crowning, extension, restitution, deliveryContinue reading “DEFINITION OF LABOUR”

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