ILIUM devided in 3 part Two end Three border Three surface Upper end is called iliac crest Lower end fused with pubis and ischium, 2/5th part of acetabulum ILIAC CREST Iliac crest extend from anterior superior iliac spine to posterior superior iliac spine. Iliac crest divide into two segment 1-ventral segment 2/3 of iliac crest(anteriorContinue reading “ILIAC CREST”

Structure of the female pelvis (innominate bone, sacrum, coccyx)

The pelvis is consists of four bones 1-two innominate bone. 2-sacrum 3-coccyx. Innominate bone The structure of the Innominate bone is also called hip bone or os coxae. It is a large irregular flat bone. It forms part of the pelvis. The two innominate bone forms front and side of the pelvis. Left and rightContinue reading “Structure of the female pelvis (innominate bone, sacrum, coccyx)”


FEMALE PELVIS Understanding of female pelvis is very necessary for the midwife. Especially in the time of management of Labour. The female pelvis is basin-shaped and keeps safe from harm or injury of the abdominal organ. FUNCTION OF FEMALE PELVIS 1-The function of the pelvis is to permit in the movement of the body 2-TheContinue reading “FUNCTION OF FEMALE PELVIS”

Introduce Yourself (Example Post)

This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click theContinue reading “Introduce Yourself (Example Post)”


What is bregma? The anterior fontanelle is also called bregma and it is located on the anterior part of fetal is diamond shape which is closed in 18 months of age . What is occipital bone? Fetal skull made by many bone which protects the brain of fetus.from those bones the occipital bone isContinue reading “DIAMETER OF FETAL SKULL(SUBOCCIPITO BREGMATIC)”

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